Monday, August 31, 2009

Semangat Kemerdekaan Menyanggah Perhambaan dan Membina Keyakinan Baru

Apabila mendekati tarikh 31hb Ogos, ingatan kita akan mengimbas kembali rentetan peristiwa dan perjuangan rakyat yang berkemuncak dengan Kemerdekaan. Tarikh tersebut terungkap sebagai tarikh keramat ,menjanjikan kebebasan daripada cengkaman penjajah dan menyelamatkan martabat hidup rakyat.

Persoalan yang menerjah kita semua ialah; bagaimana kita menghayati makna tarikh tersebut hari ini. Pergulatan ini menjadi penentu kepada persoalan makna diri kita sebagai rakyat Malaysia.Tekad baru untuk memahami makna diri Malaysia sebagai bangsa merdeka juga menuntut kita untuk memahami bagaimana kita menjadi tidak merdeka; bagaimana kita hilang kemerdekaan sebelum kita memperolehinya kembali.

Lebih dua ribu tahun yang lalu, Brutus bertanya warga Kota Rom “siapakah yang begitu hina sehingga mahu hidup sebagai hamba ?” Ceasar mahu memiliki kuasa yang tidak terbatas. Nafsunya sebegitu besar dan mahu memastikan Rom dalam genggamannya.

Pertentangan antara Brutus dengan Ceaser adalah pertentangan antara kebebasan menentang nafsu kekuasan tidak terbatas. Sejak negara kita merdeka kita masih bergelut dengan pertentangan ini. Kebebasan – kebebasan bersuara, kebebasan media, kebebasan institusi kehakiman sentiasa mahu disekat oleh penguasa. Oleh itu kita menginsafi hanya bangsa yang pernah melalui gelita penjajahan akan mengerti makna cahaya kemerdekaan. Bagitu juga, hanya diri yang pernah kebebasannya diragut akan menghargai nilai kebebasan.

Syarahan Perdana Professor Dr. Syed Muhammad Naguib al-Attas yang berjudul Islam Dalam Sejarah Dan Kebudayaan Melayu juga menghuraikan dengan panjang lebar peranan paksi tauhid sebagai aqidah menambat keyakinan baru yang menolak faham tahyul dan perhambaan, seterusnya menjadi pelantar kepada pemikiran yang berakar dengan tradisi aqliyah dan mencernakan budaya segar dengan bahasa Melayu sebagai pertuturan kepustakaan(lingua franca) rantau ini. Ratusan tahun berlalu yang sewajarnya tambah memperkukuh dan memantapkan semangat dan keyakinan baru tersebut.

Cantik sungguh puteri Palembang,
Sayang bersunting bunga pudak;
Betapa keras dilambung gelombang,
Kucacak tiang, kulayar jua.

Manakala melangkaui separuh abad kemerdekaan, kita rakyat Malaysia sewajarnya mempunyai kesedaran betapa Bahasa Melayu bukan sekadar bahasa pasar, bahasa komunikasi basahan untuk berjual beli. Bahasa Melayu adalah bahasa ilmu, bahasa tamadun dan bahasa untuk mengungkapkan pengalaman kemanusian yang paling mendalam dan luhur. Bahasa Melayu telah menjadi bahasa intelektual dan kerohanian untuk umat Islam, makanya Bahasa Melayu juga seharusnya menjadi bahasa intelektual dan kerohanian umat Budha, Hindu, Kristian dan lain-lain keyakinan.

Bahasa Melayu yang saya sebutkan di sini bukanlah bahasa milik orang Melayu semata-mata. Bahasa Melayu adalah milik rakyat dan bangsa Malaysia yang berketurunan Melayu, Cina, India, Kadazan, Dayak dan lain-lain. Bahasa Melayu adalah milik semua rakyat Malaysia.

Kemerdekaan mestilah tidak terperangkap dengan bahana dari politik sempit dan kelam sesebuah parti politik tertentu. Kemerdekaan perlu di lihat dari perspektif rakyat keseluruhannya; perjuangan pelbagai kaum, menggunakan pelbagai wadah, dan melibatkan pelbagai aliran pemikiran. Sejarah ternyata mengajar kita bahawa Perjuangan Menuntut Kemerdekaan menerbitkan kesatuan semangat untuk menentang penjajah dan imperialisme Barat ketika itu.

Generasi terdahulu yang sama-sama berjuang untuk kemerdekaan, dan mereka yang menempuh zaman mudanya di masa awal kemerdekaan menjadi saksi kepada kepelbagaian aliran dan wadah perjuangan rakyat. Tetapi penulisan sejarah kemerdekaan yang disampaikan kepada generasi hari ini masih belum berlaku adil kerana fakta yang bercampur propaganda. Ini merupakan beban dan tanggungjawab kepada ahli-ahli sejarah kerana tanpa pensejarahan yang adil, kita tidak akan dapat melihat dan menemui makna dan rupa diri bangsa kita yang sebenarnya. Nama pejuang kemerdekaan seperti Dato’ Onn Jaafar, Ustaz Abu Bakar Baqir, Dr Burhanuddin al Helmy, Ahmad Boestamam, Mat Salleh, Panglima Rentap dan Rosli Dhobi tidak sewajarnya digelapkan dari sejarah menuntut kemerdekaan.

Kemerdekaan adalah untuk kebebasan dan keadilan. Inilah yang dijanjikan kepada kita pada 31 Ogos 1957. Sekiranya kita mahu berdegil untuk meneruskan saki baki peninggalan feudal, atau mahu memperkokohkan lembaga-lembaga sistem otoritarianisme, sudah pasti kita menjadi bangsa yang terpinggir. Bangsa Malaysia tidak miskin dengan sumber daya manusianya. Dengan paras pembangunan yang telah dicapai dan kekayaan yang kita miliki Malaysia boleh menjadi negara yang besar. Dan kita perlu yakin bahawa Malaysia boleh menjadi bangsa yang besar. Tetapi kita tidak boleh menjadi bangsa yang besar sekiranya rakyatnya tidak bebas dan merdeka.


Friday, August 28, 2009

1 Black Sabah

The decision last year by the Sabah State Government to scrap the proposed 300MW coal-fired power plant project in Silam, Lahad Datu once again put the spotlight on the perennial power shortages which the people in this state have long suffered. For many, these disruptions to daily economic and social activities can only be suffered in silence as the decision makers are heartless and hard of hearing. It seems power cuts have become the norm in Sabah.

The sole power utility provider in Sabah is the Sabah Electricity Sdn. Bhd. (SESB) - 80% owned by national utility giant Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB), with the remaining 20% being owned by the Sabah State Government.

The manner in which the Silam IPP project was awarded in 2007 leaves much to be desired in the way of transparency and fair evaluation on the part of the Federal Government, and corporate governance on the part of TNB. For the first time, the Federal Government decided to undertake a tender exercise for an IPP project, with a supposed objective to obtain the best possible technical and commercial proposals. When this tender closed, sometime in June 2006, a total of 13 bids were received, including one from a TNB subsidiary i.e. TNB REMACO.

The chronology of events, as shown below, subsequent to tender closing gives substance to my earlier comments regarding transparency and corporate governance:

§ The evaluation committee, though comprising independent technical and financial experts, was headed by TNB, even though a TNB subsidiary was one of the bidders;

§ The evaluation committee then proceeded with a detailed evaluation of EACH of the 13 bids received, such bids being evaluated against their individual and specific merits and demerits;

§ The bidders were bidding for only 60% of the project’s equity as the bid documents clearly stated that the remaining 40% had been reserved for “Sabah bumiputera” interests;

§ When the Federal Government finally announced the award of the project almost a year after bids had closed, it awarded 80% of the equity of the project to a consortium comprising three of the original 13 bidders i.e. TNB REMACO, Eden-Nova Nusantara and Maser, and Yayasan Sabah the remaining 20%. How could evaluation of 13 unique, specific and individual bids lead to an award to a group of 3 of them? Was this group ever asked to submit a fresh proposal as a consortium? Why weren’t other bidders encouraged to team up as consortia and submit fresh proposals on the basis of consortia and not individual bidders? Why was the portion reserved for Sabah bumiputera interests inexplicably reduced from 40% to 20%?

§ This consortium proceeded to sign an engineering, procurement and construction contract (EPCC) even before its Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with SESB had been negotiated and signed. One might see this either as taking a business risk or complete arrogance on the part of TNB, in that TNB felt it would easily be able to pressure its subsidiary, SESB, to put pen to paper. Why complain now that the turbines have already been ordered?

Now that the Sabah State Government has scrapped the project on environmental grounds, TNB/SESB is crying aloud as to why the project must be allowed to proceed albeit at another “more suitable” location. TNB/SESB’s premise is that such a power plant must be constructed in Sabah’s East Coast for contingency and system requirements.

Given this requirement then, and apart from relocating the project, shouldn’t TNB/SESB also be required to suggest alternative fuels for the power plant, gas perhaps? Sabah, as yet, does not have sufficient volume of biomass to sustain a 300MW power plant. The proposed Silam plant was to use imported coal from Kalimantan anyway, so why can’t natural gas be “imported” from Sabah’s West Coast to the East, either via pipeline or as liquefied natural gas (LNG) using sea-going tankers. After all, Tokyo Electric Power Company, Japan’s largest power utility, imports LNG from MLNG in Bintulu for its power plants. Perhaps by coincidence, the new Sabah Oil & Gas terminal at Kimanis is being designed to serve only as a transit point for gas being exploited offshore Sabah, this gas eventually being piped to Bintulu to be converted to LNG for export to Japan and China for use in power plants there.

Such a trans-Sabah gas pipeline could also serve as a catalyst for industrial development along its route especially for energy-intensive industries (e.g., cement and steel manufacturing) and gas-related industries like petrochemicals and so on.

At the time the project was being designed, coal was at a market price of around US$50 per tone. But in line with global fuel price increases, average coal price now stands at about US$100 per tone. In the Malaysian PPAs (power purchasing agreements), fuel price is a pass-through cost i.e. the power purchaser will pay the IPP whatever price it pays for its fuel. Bearing in mind that local natural gas for power production is quite heavily subsidized by the Federal Government, does not it make economic sense to use a fuel whose price is controlled as compared to one which is subject to the vagaries of market forces? The party eventually bearing the burden of high fuel costs will be the rakyat, as TNB is 70% owned by the Federal Government, leading to SESB being 56% owned by the Federal Government and 20% by the Sabah State Government i.e. a total of 76% in state ownership.

What will happen to the consortium? Will the same consortium be asked to propose a more environmentally-friendly power project and site? Why wasn’t there any coordination between Federal and State governments prior to the implementation of this project?

The sad saga of how the Federal Government continues to mismanage the award of power projects in Sabah does not end here.

In the mid-1990’s, the Federal Government awarded a 120MW open-cycle gas-fired IPP project in Kota Kinabalu to a consortium comprising Time Engineering, EPE, Sabah Energy Corporation and Aras Setia (an unheard of, local Sabahan political crony outfit). The consortium called itself Powertron Resources Sdn. Bhd. A few years down the road, Ranhill Berhad bought over the equity holdings of Time and EPE, thereby becoming the major shareholder in Powertron, subsequently re-naming it Ranhill Powertron.

Towards the end of 2005, the Federal Government approved the conversion of Ranhill Powertron’s 120MW open-cycle plant to a 190MW combined-cycle plant to benefit from the technical and economic efficiencies of such a conversion. The completion date stated in the revised PPA which Ranhill Powertron signed with SESB was March 2007. The project was finally only completely commissioned in 2008.

Parallel to obtaining Federal Government approval to convert its Powertron plant to a combined-cycle plant, Ranhill submitted an unsolicited proposal to the Federal Government for a new 190MW combined cycle IPP plant, to be located adjacent to its Powertron plant. The supposed benefits of this project were that it would enjoy economics of scale with the Powertron project and as such Ranhill would be able to offer the lowest IPP tariffs in Sabah. Yet again, the Federal Government gave its approval to the new Ranhill Tuaran IPP project. The completion date stipulated in Ranhill Tuaran’s PPA with SESB was July 2008.

Ranhill Tuaran ran into problems right from the start, facing problems with the private owners of its proposed power plant site, eventually leading to these landowners filing court action. Why did the Government approve this project when Ranhill could not even show proof of ownership of the proposed project site?

In an effort to prevent delays to the project, SESB stepped in and procured the land from the landowners and then leased it to Ranhill Tuaran. The company was further given an extension of time to complete the project by 2010. The first power plant unit for this project with a capacity of 65MW was supposed to be commissioned by November 2009 but progress on the ground has been slow and this date looks more like February 2010.

Although there has been and continues to be a public outcry over the performance and attitude of SESB, there seems to have been no commensurate change in the mindset of the top management in SESB. A recent statement from SESB stated amongst others that the utility was spending RM26 million to repair a 20MW diesel generator in Sandakan, thus making it seem as if SESB was reaching deep into its pockets to repair a generator which had broken down due to faulty technical parameters.

Little does the public know that the said generator is actually one of two diesel-fired gas turbines on board SESB’s power barge anchored off Sandakan. The generator had been in good operating condition but has incurred this much of repair expenditure not because of plant breakdown but because of mal-operation by SESB personnel. To further add insult to injury, the second unit on board this power barge has also broken down recently, again due to mal-operation and not technical reasons.

The protracted delays in all of the scheduled power projects mentioned earlier, and the poor operating methods employed to run its existing generators, will see SESB facing acute generation adequacy shortfalls in the short and medium terms. Whilst the lobbyists and UMNO/BN cronies play out their own power games within the corridors of Putrajaya, the ordinary, tax-paying rakyat of Sabah will be left facing more dark nights and hot, sweaty days and incalculable economic losses.

courtesy of "powerman"

人民公正党沙巴财政谢圣铭医生,足请国能有限公司的主席,首席执行员,以及全体董事会成 员自愿性,集体总辞,以对无法有效和彻底解决沙巴的电供问题负责。他透露“国能是一家总资产达678亿令吉的公司,2008年的营运额265亿令吉,净利 达26亿令吉。无法解决沙巴的区区数十兆瓦的短缺问题,是件可耻的事情”。


国 能的远景是“成为在国际间,能源和相关业务的领头企业”。国能的使命是“我们承诺竭尽所能,提供卓越的产品和服务”。谢圣铭医生指出“引述国能的远景和使 命在沙巴的情况,使叫人难堪和羞耻的”。他更建议国能,在放眼在相同领域的国际企业间扮演领头羊之前,请正视自己后院的窘境,以及沙巴人民苦难。

“ 沙巴作为一个全国最大的原油和天然气生产州,以及通过全国最大棕油生产基地加工生产生物材油的出口地,却被联邦政府严重的亏待,遭受不公平的待遇。很多时 候,沙巴人民的处境已经来到无计可施;一些非政府组织,甚至是政党,也惟有上街示威抗议的最后手段,毕竟,这个顽固的问题已经困扰沙巴30多年了!” 谢圣铭医生愤愤不平的细数沙巴被联邦政府长期忽略时,如此表示。

“记得30年前,当我还是个小孩时,我的家就频频经历停电的困扰;如今我 学成归来,30年后回到我的家乡和家人身边,同样的问题还在发生,没有停止过。营业各行各业的业者,更是活在水深火热之中,各个方面的成本因此高涨,更有 不能维持,面对亏损的!” 谢圣铭医生如此叙述。

courtesy of Dr.Roland Chia.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

"When a communal party becomes a racist party, it will destroy the country!" - Datuk Zaid Ibrahim

In clear simple words Datuk Zaid Ibrahim drove home the message: "Malaysia is for all Malaysians, not for a particular race. If we can understand this and try not to think of ourselves as Malays, Chinese, Indians, Kadazans or Ibans then we are truly Malaysians." These were the key words in his first maiden visit to Sabah when addressing more then 500 members, supporters and invited guests in Kota Kinabalu.

Another important message from him was that ..."it was time for politics to have principles." He said that while Barisan Nasional's (BN) strength lay "in its power (over) the police, Election Commission and control of the media ... that of Pakatan Rakyat (PR) lay in the consultation, brotherhood and fraternity."

Datuk Zaid Ibrahim also stressed that "PKR is a party for all and not for a particular race. UMNO has become so disillusioned with its struggle, to the extend that it will do anything and at any cost, to stay in power, even to the extend that the people have to suffer for it. This is where PKR differs he said; for PKR struggles for all races and all the people."

He added: "This country was built by many groups of people. Negara cemerlang, terbilang, gemilang - this is all our contribution, all the communities."

The event also witnessed the launching of a book titled "Lest We Forget" written by activist and now PKR member, Dr.Chong Eng Leong.

Among the National and State PKR leaders that attended the event themed "An Evening with Zaid Ibrahim" were PKR Vice President Datuk Dr.Jeffery Kitingan, Supreme council member Christina Liew, Sabah Deputy Chairman Datuk Kong Hong Ming, Datuk John Ghani, Treasurer Dr.Roland Chia, Information Chief Jonathan Yasin, Director of Communications Ronnie Klassen, Cabang Chiefs and heads of the Wanita and Angkatan Muda movements.


Datuk Zaid Ibrahim berkata “Malaysia adalah untuk semua Warga Malaysia…tanpa mengira bangsa dan keturunan, kita harus memangil diri kita sebagai “Malaysian”. Bangsa Melayu, Cina, India, Kadazan dan Iban adalah semua warga Malaysia yang sebenar dan Malaysia bukan untuk satu bangsa sahaja” Demikian nota utama ucapan beliau di hadapan lebih daripada 500 ahli dan penyokong PKR di suatu Majlis di Kota KInabalu.

“Tiba lah masanya untuk Politik memiliki dasar asas” Kata beliau. “sementara kekuatan Barisan National (BN) terletak kepada cengkaman kuasa kepada pihak polis, Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya dan pihak akhbar di Malaysia…. Pakatan Rakyat (PR) bergantung kepada kepentingan konsultasi kepada kekeluargaan bersama.”

Datuk Zaid Ibrahim juga menekankan “PKR adalah parti untuk semua dan bukannya untuk bangsa yang tertentu sahaja. UMNO telah menjadi disilusi dengan cengkaman kuasa mereka, dan sanggup melakukan apa sahaja, sebarang kos untuk mencengkam kuasa, dan UMNO sanggup merangkul segalanya sehingga rakyat merana. Ini lah dimana PKR berlainan dengan UMNO, PKR berjuang untuk satu bangsa Malaysia dan untuk semua raykat Malaysia.”

Sambung beliau, “Negara ini dibangunkan oleh semua rakyat Malaysia, “Negara Cemerlang, Terbilang dan Gemilang” ini lah sumbangan kita bersama sebagai warga Malaysia untuk Malaysia.”

Majlis yang berjodol “Malam bersama Zaid Ibrahim” ini juga telah menyaksikan perlancaran buku yang ditulis oleh Dr. Chong Eng Leong yang berjodol “Lest We Forget”. Antara pemimpin National dan Negeri PKR yang turut hadir pada malam tersebut adalah PKR Vice President Datuk Dr. Jeffery Kitingan, Ahli Kounsil Tertinggi Puan Christina Liew, Timbalan Pengerusi Sabah, Datuk Kong Hong Ming, Datuk John Ghani, Bendahari Dr. Roland Chia, Ketua Perhubungan Encik Jonathan Yasin, Pengarah Communikasi Encik Ronnei Klassen, Ketua-ketua Bahagian, Ketua Wanita dan Pemuda dan jemputan-jemputan khas.

Friday, August 21, 2009

We Know Who Is Our Common Enemy!

Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Deputy Chairman of Sabah, Kong Hong Ming has categorically denied that he ever told fellow opposition Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) to "stop dreaming" that it (SAPP) can form the Government as a stand-alone party in the next elections.

“I categorically deny having given such statement or made any suggestion on SAPP as reported in a local newspaper on 20, August.

“It’s rather mischievous for whoever responsible for the said news report to unnecessarily put me or any other PKR leader at odd with any fellow opposition party, such as SAPP.

“In fact, my stand has been and still is that PKR leaders and members at all levels should maintain a friendly and cordial relationship with all opposition political parties, including SAPP. I reminded them as to who is the real opponent of Pakatan Rakyat,” he stressed.

He clarified this in a statement issued here today, adding that PKR leaders and supporters present in the dialogue session can always vouch that he did not make such statement as alleged.

“People who know me well would vouch that I would never say such thing,” he said.

Kong further noted that the gist of his message to party members during the recent dialogue session held in Kota Belud, was to remind them to focus and work hard to serve the people and strengthen the Party which now has the second largest number of MP in Parliament.

“Strengthening PKR is strengthening Pakatan Rakyat, as the sole national mainstream political entity in the opposition,” he said.

“It is within sight that Pakatan Rakyat will form the next government” Kong said.

Parti Keadilan Rakyat wishes all our Muslim brothers and sisters Selamat Berpuasa.


Timbalan Pengerusi Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Sabah, Kong Hong Ming menafikan laporan yang mengaitkan beliau dengan usaha untuk memperlagakan PKR dengan SAPP seperti yang terpapar pada sidang akbar tempatan bertarikh 20 August.

Menurut laporan, beliau telah menuduh Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) untuk “berhenti bermimpi” dari membentuk kerajaan tanpa kerjasama daripada Pakatan Rakyat di pilihanraya akan datang.

Beliau menafikan membuat sebarang kenyataan tersebut atau membuat cadangan seperti berikut ke atas SAPP yang sememangnya akan menimbulkan rasa kurang senang diantara persabahatan pemimpin PKR dengan komponent semua parti pembangkang, seperti SAPP.

“Saya percaya semua pemimpin PKR dan parti pembangkang yang lain bersetujuh, bahawa kita harus bersama-sama memperkasakan persahabatan antara komponent parti pembangkang termasuk SAPP dan menerajui tujuan utama perjuangan kita bersama dalam menyeru perjuangan menebus hak rakyat di Sabah dan memberikan peluang kita untuk bertukar!” Kata Beliau.

Beliau berpendapat bahawa kenyataan ini mungkin diperlagakan semasa ucapan beliau di Kota Belud baru-baru ini yang semata-mata untuk memupuk kerjasama dari semua pihak Komponent parti untuk fokus berkerja keras demi kepentingan rakyat dan memberi kepercayaan kepada PKR dan Pakatan Rakyat yang kini mewakili jumlah MP kedua terbesar di parliament.

“Memperkasakan PKR adalah usaha untuk memperkasakan Pakatan Rakyat, dan ini adalah saluran utama semua komponent parti pembangkang” Tambah Beliau.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Kudat folk show their disgust in the face of DPM's visit

The quiet , harmonious and peaceful town of Kudat, situated in the northern part of Sabah, was abuzzed with excitement and renewed vigor on Sunday 16th August 09, not because of Tan Sri Muhyuddin Yassin, Deputy Prime Minister Of Malaysia – of whom even among those with the lowest IQ know that he is only good at hurling false accusations at just about anybody who is fair-minded and innocent – but more so because the peace loving people in this serene town had at last found truly realistic ray of hope when the newly appointed State PKR leadership arrived there for their maiden roadshow.

After years and years of abuse and neglect by Umno-lead BN government, it was hardly surprising that the conference room at RIA hotel was jam-packed with members, supporters and well wishers. What does this genuine show of support prove? Don’t forget they were not paid a single sen to entice them to come and neither were they given any promise that they would be paid whatever amount f money, unlike the standard practice of BN where tons and tons of the rakyats money were distributed wantonly.

Well, such an outpouring of overwhelming support simply goes to prove beyond any doubt that PKR/Pakatan Rakyat is already well poised to wrest the State Government from Umno/BN in the next election. In their trade mark arrogant and delusional manner , Umno/BN may laugh it off as a foolish dream on the part PKR/Pakatan Rakyat, but we will see who will laugh the last and the loudest in the aftermath of the next general election when the blood sucking, incompetent, ineffective and corrupted incumbent Umno/BN government will be decisively and undisputedly booted out of office in a landslide decision made by the disgusted rakyat in Sabah.

Among the state leaders of PKT in the roadshow were Deputy Chiefs - Kong Hong Ming, Dr.Hamzah Amir, John Ghani, Secretary - Ahmad Tamrin, Deputy Secretary - Adris Taripin, Treasurer - Dr.Roland Chia, Director of Communications - Ronnie Klassen, Legal Bureau Chief - Chau Chin Tang, Wanita Rep - Bernadette Wong and Activist - Dr.Chong En Leong. This is a clear indication that they are committed to getting down to the grassroot level to bring about a change for the better

A strong supporter, Ustaz Kahar when asked how he felt about the new leadership lineup replied “This is a good lineup, young and mixed blend of dynamic individuals who are prepared to listen to the people. This is the leadership we want.” After Kudat, the state leadership also proceeded to cover Kota Marudu and Kota Belud where similar sentiments were shared among the members and supporters as well.While in Kota Marudu,Cabang Chief Anthony Pilit handed over to the state leadership 250 new members to the party.

By a stroke of coincidence, Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tan Sri
Muhyuddin Yassin was also in Kudat to officiate the Kudat Umno division’s annual general meeting. As expected and typical of Umnos’s propensity to exhibit the ever sickening arrogant behavior, he arrived in a helicopter like and Oil Sheik baron.

When he made his return to Kota Kinabalu, it was reported that the helicopter in which Sabah’s Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Yahya Hussien was also traveling in, was forced to make an emergency landing in Tuaran.

Whilst we are genuinely relieved that nothing untoward happened to the DPM and his entourage, one just can’t help but to wonder whether this incident could be a sign from somewhere that the unscrupulous, heavy-handed, dictatorial and the corrupted ways of Umno/BN will just have to come to an absolute and permanent end soon in the hands of the honest and fair-minded, and the long suffering rakyat of Kudat, Kota Marudu, Kota Belud and……. The whole of Sabah for that matter.

Penyokong dan Ahli Jati PKR tampil dengan padu walaupun dengan kehadiran Timbalan Perdana Menteri.

Bandar sepi Kudat yang terletak di utara Sabah merasa sungguh gembira hari ini. Harapan
penyokong PKR di Kudat seakan-akan dibangunkan semula setelah menerima kunjungan daripada barisan pemimpin PKR Sabah yang baru. Kunjugan ini merupakan satu perhentian mesra bersama rakyat dan barisan pemimpin PKR ini akan mengadakan lawatan ke seluruh Sabah. Perjumpaan julung kali ini telah diadakan di bilik mesyuarat Hotel Ria Kudat. Lawatan seperti ini telah meyakinkan kepada rakyat bahawa masa untuk bertukar telah tiba dan barisan pemimpin PKR akan bertarung tanpa henti demi kepentingan rakyat. Pemimpin UMNO/BN mungkin merasa ini adalah semata-mata cerita dongeng tetapi melihat kepada sokongan daripada rakyat di Kudat, masa untuk bertukar akan tetap berlaku.

Antara barisan pemimpin PKR yang hadir ke kunjugan mesra ini adalah Timbalan Ketua Kong Hong Ming, John Ghani, Setiausaha PKR Negeri Encik Ahmad Tamrin, Timbalan Setiausaha Encik Adris Taripin, Bendahari Dr. Roland Chia,, Pengarah Kommunikasi Negeri Encik Ronnei Klassen, Ketua Biro Peguam PKR Chau Chin Tang, Wakil Wanita Puan Bernadette Wong dan Dr. Chong En Leong.

Penyokong Ustaz Kahar merasa gembira dan berpuas hati dengan barisan pemimpin baru PKR yang dinamik, segar, muda dan sedia untuk mendengar suara rakyat. “Inilah kualiti pemimpin yang kita mahu”. Beliau berkata. Dalam kunjugan ini, barisan pemimpin PKR, mesra bersama rakyat juga telah berkunjung ke Kota Marudu dan Kota Belud.

Dalam masa yang sama Timbalan Perdana Menteri Malaysia, Tan Seri Muhyuddin Yassin juga mengadakan lawatan ke Kudat untuk merasmikan mesyuarat tahunan UMNO bahagian Kudat. Seperti Baron (orang kaya-kaya) minyak Sheikh Muhyuddin dan seperti pemimpin UMNO yang lain dating dengan penuh gaya mewah, dan diterbangkan dengan helicopter. Adalah dilaporkan bahawa semasa rombongan Timbalan Perdana Menteri terbang balik ke Kota Kinabalu, helicopter yang mereka naiki terpaksa mendarat di Tuaran dengan penuh kecemasan kerana cuaca yang kurang baik, Walaupun kita bershukur bahawa mereka semua terselamat, tetapi mungkinkah ini merupakan suatu permulaan kepada alamat yang buruk.

Dalam ucapan janji beliau dan UMNO, UMNO akan sekali lagi focus kepada pembangunan di luar Bandar terutama di Sabah dan Sarawak melalui skim NKRA (National Key Result Areas) dan akan memberikan focus kepada pembanguan asas diluar Bandar. Adalah diingatkan kepada Orang Kaya Minyak ini bahawa rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak tidak mahu pembangunan ASAS sahaja, tetapi komitmen yang tulin daripada kerajaan UMNO dan memastikan infrastuktur dan pelbagai keperluan lain harus dibangunan khusus untuk generasi kini. Kerana pemimpin UMNO memang suka berjanji tetapi jandi tidak dimahkotakan. Ini lah janji terang bulan UMNO dan rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak masih merupakan rakyat termiskin di seluruh Malaysia. Beliau berharap janji pembangunan ini dilaksanakan sebelum pilihan raya akan datang.